Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Ccase_ignoreA binary function to ignore case when comparing strings
 Cnocase_compareA binary function to ignore case when comparing characters
 CControlOrchestrates control
 CControlItemBase class for inbound and outbound control item
 CEnvironmentBase environment
 CEnvironmentDirA directory where each file is an environment variable
 CEventWrapperWraps a windows event
 CFilesystemInterfaceAn interface for interacting with the file system
 CHandleWrapperA wrapper for a Windows HANDLE
 CInboundControlItemInbound control item
 CInboundControlItemListenerA listener for inbound control item events
 CInboundPipeClientTmplAn inbound pipe client
 CInboundPipeInstanceA pipe instance for inbound client/server
 CInboundPipeServerTmplAn inbound pipe server
 CLogArchiveFileAn archived log file
 CLogSettingsSettings for the logger
 CLogSettingsParserParser for the log settings
 CLogStreamReaderA stream reader for reading logs
 CLogStreamWriterA stream writer for writing logs
 CLogTmplThe logger template
 CMapKeyIteratorAn iterator for keys of a map
 CMapValueIteratorAn iterator for values of a map
 CNotOwningPtrA container for pointers where the lifetime should be owned by the caller
 COutboundControlItemOutbound control item
 COutboundPipeClientTmplAn outbound pipe client
 COutboundPipeInstanceA pipe instance for outbound client/server
 COutboundPipeServerTmplAn outbound pipe server
 CPathMutexA global mutex where the key is derived from a file path and service name
 CPipeClientBase named pipe client
 CPipeClientConfigConfig for a named pipe client
 CPipeClientConnectionListenerA listener for pipe client connection events
 CPipeClientReceiveListenerA listener for pipe client received data events
 CPipeClientSendListenerA listener for pipe client send complete events
 CPipeInstanceThe pipe instance which is shared between client and server
 CPipeNamePipe names are based on file system paths
 CPipeServerBase named pipe server
 CPipeServerConfigConfig for a named pipe server
 CPipeServerReceiveListenerA listener for server receiving data from pipe clients
 CProcessManages the life cycle of a process
 CProcessParamsParameters to start a Windows process
 CServicePipesHolds the STDIN and STDOUT pipes for redirecting
 CServiceProcessTmplA template for a service process
 CServiceTmplA template for a service
 CSHA256SHA256 hash function helper
 CSuperviseControllerA controller for supervised processes
 CSuperviseListenerThe supervisor listener
 CSuperviseStateThe state of the supervisor
 CSuperviseStateFileSerializes the state file but can also read it as a human-readable message
 CSuperviseStateListenerA supervisor state listener which is race-condition free
 CSuperviseTmplThe supervisor class template
 CSvScanControllerA controller for svscan process
 CSvScanTmplThe svscan template
 CUtilsUtility functions
 CWaitMultiplexerA HANDLE wait multiplexer
 CWaitResultThe wait result for when waiting on handles
 CWaitTimeoutItemHolds timeout information such that when a timeout occurs the multiplexer knows how to handle it
 CWindowsInterfaceWraps the windows functions as an interface so that they can be easily mocked and tested